April 11, 2012
Recently, I was researching some creative ways to implement QR Codes in design, and I was really intrigued by some of the examples of QR Code design and use that I found.
For the less technically aware out there, QR Codes (Quick Response Code) are 2D matrix barcodes that can hold thousands of alphanumeric characters of information. In recent years, QR codes have become common in consumer advertising and packaging because the wide use of smartphones—now, most people have a barcode reader in their pocket. As a result, the QR code has become a focus of advertising strategy, since it provides quick and effortless access to the brand’s website or other marketing messaging.
Here are some examples of creative QR Code design and usage:
At the moment, QR codes are mainly used just for additional information about the product or an ad campaign. But as the size of the information you can put into a QR code increases, the possibilities for their use in ad campaigns can be endless. Check out these videos showing how Tesco is revolutionizing grocery shopping and gaining market share in South Korea, and the world’s first animated tattoo!!
(As a person who loathes grocery shopping, I’m considering moving to South Korea for this reason, alone!)
Sources: http://www.thebiggerevent.com/blog/?tag=experiential-marketing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code