July 5, 2012
Hello. If you remember my name is Louie (or Louis if you need me to be your guard dog). I am very skilled in barking and running up to poor individuals to scare them. I can do that. My ego is big for my size. As I said before, I am pretty cool.
Nevertheless, I have to do my share and although I just had a very hard week watching paint dry (no really – I was guarding the painters at home) I am called upon today to write a blog. I will continue to give you very crucial information – if you want to continue on the sunny side of life – about:
You should know by now that we are a creative agency and we script, shoot, edit and animate videos and commercials. One of my favorite commercials – and foods of course – is about bacon. I have been searching the Internet to let you partake in this fine piece of work (and treat if you can get it):
[jwplayer config="YouTube" mediaid="1484"]
Furthermore please give me a call if you have any connections to dog bacon companies. I would like to do a commercial for them as well. I am very confident that I will come up with a very compelling script that can convince and entice the most discriminate tongue.
As I said feel free to call me – or if I am taking one of those important naps – feel free to talk to Lauren.
Thanks for your undivided attention (it’s bacon!)
Until next time – cheers
– Louie