So Joel has been artfully avoiding writing his bio for about 5 months now… it’s gotten to the point that I am fearing that he might actually get fired because of it.. so since my Jojo is one of my favorite things about unitOne, I figured I’d take one for the team and just write a bio for him.
Here’s what I can tell you about Joel:
1. Bio writing goes against his philosophy on life
2. He’s kind of a cool guy, mysterious hipster type (sorry joel, you can’t delete this!)
3. His hair can do amazing things! (both with and without the aid of products)
4. Joel also *loves* movies–all kinds of movies; from childhood adventure movies like Jurassic Park, to musicals, to weird ones like Tree of Life. Not so much those sophomoric Judd Apatow ones though.
5. He is the sickest motion graphics animator I’ve ever met
6. He has a really awesome career as a filmmaker of fantasy movies outside of unitone.
7. If Joel was in the movie “The Outsiders” it would have turned out differently. He would be the guy who unified the ‘greasers’ and the ‘socs’ and Johnny wouldn’t have to die! (dammit!)
8. Joel *loves* to dance! and he’s pretty freakin’ good at it too!
9. As a video editor he has a gift for making mundane boring content fun and engaging
10. If you are ever looking for someone to write a bio–don’t ask Joel
Lauren, now that Joel has a bio– please don’t fire him.